Language In Society: An Introduction to Sociolinguistics by Suzanne Romaine | This book was published in the United States by Oxford University Press. Inc New York 2000.
Chapter 2 - Language Choice Societal multilingualism, Domains, Diglossia Language shift and death, Code-switching.
Chapter 3 - Sociolinguistic Patterns, Language and social class, Style, Language and style, Gender, Language and age, Language and social network, Standardization, Standardization and its effects in Papua New Guinea.
Chapter 4 - Language and Gender, Sex and gender, Man-made language?, Learning to talk like a lady, Gossip v. shop talk, Language reform: a msguided attempt to change herstory?
Chapter 5 - Language Change in Social Perspective, Dialectology and language change, The relationship between variation and change, Using the present to explain the past and the past to explain
the present, Change in real v. apparent time, Language change and social ideology.
Chapter 6 - Pidgin and Creole Languages, Distribution, Origins and structure, The creole continuum, Pidgins and creoles in social context.
Chapter 7 - Linguistic Problems as Societal Problems, Language and educational failure, Difference v. deficit, Language differences in the classroom, Testing: who decides what is right?, Taking appropriate action, One flag––one nation?, Bilingual education: maintenance or assimilation?, Immersion or submersion, Semilingualism: a new deficit theory.
Chapter 8 - Conclusions
Contents of Language In Society by Suzanne Romaine 2nd Ed
Chapter 1- Language in Society/Society in Language, Language v. dialec, Language and dialect in Papua New Guine, Language and dialect in Europe, English: language and dialect, Accent v. dialect, Register and style, Speech communities and communicative competence Language, society, and reality: different words, different worlds?Chapter 2 - Language Choice Societal multilingualism, Domains, Diglossia Language shift and death, Code-switching.
Chapter 3 - Sociolinguistic Patterns, Language and social class, Style, Language and style, Gender, Language and age, Language and social network, Standardization, Standardization and its effects in Papua New Guinea.
Chapter 4 - Language and Gender, Sex and gender, Man-made language?, Learning to talk like a lady, Gossip v. shop talk, Language reform: a msguided attempt to change herstory?
Chapter 5 - Language Change in Social Perspective, Dialectology and language change, The relationship between variation and change, Using the present to explain the past and the past to explain
the present, Change in real v. apparent time, Language change and social ideology.
Chapter 6 - Pidgin and Creole Languages, Distribution, Origins and structure, The creole continuum, Pidgins and creoles in social context.
Chapter 7 - Linguistic Problems as Societal Problems, Language and educational failure, Difference v. deficit, Language differences in the classroom, Testing: who decides what is right?, Taking appropriate action, One flag––one nation?, Bilingual education: maintenance or assimilation?, Immersion or submersion, Semilingualism: a new deficit theory.
Chapter 8 - Conclusions
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